a c t o r


It all started when I took a few semesters of acting classes in college. I did well in the classes so I decided to pursue acting as well as music. Since then, I have done both background acting and principle acting for MTV, HBO, Atlantic Records, MyTeeVee, Short Pajamas, Harris Satellite Communications, Veteran Television, and more... Now, I enjoy being on set, being a part of productions, and learning more about acting with every new experience. I look forward to growing as an actor and seeing where this takes me.

Find me on IMDB!! (click below)

See a few of my acting reels below!!

Acting Reel - General

Acting Reel - A Grunt’s Life, Season 2 (Veteran Television)

Acting Reel - A Grunt’s Life, Season 1 (Veteran Television)

Acting Photos!

In Association With…